Fired Up and Fully You

In Summer – nature is audacious!

Flowers in full bloom! Vibrant colours and heady aromas! What would it be like to fully experience you? What does the fullest expression of you look like? Feel like?

This 2 hour online yoga retreat will focus on all of this! Using yoga, journalling, relaxation and other practices, we’ll embark on a journey to meet our Self. Beautiful. Flawed. Perfect.

This retreat is for you if:

🔥You sometimes feel restricted or inhibited, and are curious about gently finding out what lies under those layers.

🔥You want to reconnect to your intuition. To deepen your trust in your Self.

🔥You want to embrace the energy of Summer in your yoga practice.

🔥You love backbending poses – or you resist them and feel drawn to exploring them more.

🔥You love the idea of a morning of Self Love, in a safely held space – welcoming your body, emotions and mind. The whole of You.

Here’s what one of my lovely students said about a previous retreat:

What a wonderful way to spend a winter morning.  Fascinating Chinese theory around the winter element, Water, followed by stretches which definitely helped my mobility afterwards.  The relaxation at the end left me feeling positive, refreshed and ready to go!  Can’t wait until the [next] retreat.  

Katherine Daniel – Little Quarme Cottages and Weddings

During our 2 hours together we will:
🔥Practice physical poses that include heart opening backbends, working safely to support the back while we stretch the front of the body! Liberating!
🔥Celebrate our beautiful uniqueness. Validating and relishing our own experience – letting go of judgment and criticism.
🔥Work with the Heart and Small Intestine meridians in the body. Focusing on pressure points that can be used in every day situations.
🔥Explore the Chinese Element that corresponds with the season of Summer – Fire, and how we can use this Fiery energy to support us in our every day lives.

Saturday 19th June – 10am – 12noon


Summer invites us to step into the fullest expression of ourselves. Sometimes that comes easy when we feel like dancing around the fire! Sometimes it requires courage to be visible and relate to others and the world.

There are times for being brave, bold and expressing our truth to the world!
There are times for holding our hearts gently, softening and melting into the experience of each moment.
Summer and the Fire energy embraces all of this.

Saturday 20th March – 10am – 12noon


‘Nourished in body and mind with Terry, the 5 elements is the most forgiving philosophy to support you and fill your heart. It is full of colour, warmth and nurturing ideas to take with you in life.’
Ema, @wild_wellies

I found the journaling really helpful, I feel I have ‘loosened’ one aspect of my thinking which I have been struggling with. The movement too felt just right for the moment.
If I look back over the past year in lockdown, online yoga with you is honestly one of the highlights!

Rachel, Bristol